In the wake of a bloody intergalactic war between powerful alien races, a once thriving network of space ships, space stations and planets are lifeless and left with the scars of the apocalypse. As Stationmaster, is up to you to rebuild the abandoned space stations, gather the survivors and bring back the old Empire to its former glory.
Populated by various alien species, such as the relaxed eco-friendly Karmarama and the gentle Dahenese Sirens, each space station comes alive with crime, commerce, entertainment, racial tensions, and friendships. With these factors in mind, reconstruct and operate the station, managing the various and diverse resident aliens, while you also have to worry about protecting them from threats such as meteor showers, infestations of alien parasite, roving bands of space pirates, and outbreaks of pests particularly virulent. It is not easy to rebuild civilization from the ruins, but the future is in your hands. You will rise to the challenge and build a Startopia ideal for everyone?
In the wake of a bloody intergalactic war between powerful alien races, a once thriving network of space ships, space stations and planets are lifeless and left with the scars of the apocalypse. As Stationmaster, is up to you to rebuild the abandoned space stations, gather the survivors and bring back the old Empire to its former glory.
Populated by various alien species, such as the relaxed eco-friendly Karmarama and the gentle Dahenese Sirens, each space station comes alive with crime, commerce, entertainment, racial tensions, and friendships. With these factors in mind, reconstruct and operate the station, managing the various and diverse resident aliens, while you also have to worry about protecting them from threats such as meteor showers, infestations of alien parasite, roving bands of space pirates, and outbreaks of pests particularly virulent. It is not easy to rebuild civilization from the ruins, but the future is in your hands. You will rise to the challenge and build a Startopia ideal for everyone?
Uploader Comments:
Uncompress the ISO
Mount it on the DaemonTools and install
Copy the contents of Crack folder to the game folder, replacing
Haver a good game
Uncompress the ISO
Mount it on the DaemonTools and install
Copy the contents of Crack folder to the game folder, replacing
Haver a good game
More Info:
Size: 396.30MB
Format: .7z
Language: English
Size: 396.30MB
Format: .7z
Language: English
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
CPU: 450 GHz
RAM: 64 MB
DirectX: 8.0
HD: 576 MB
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
CPU: 450 GHz
RAM: 64 MB
DirectX: 8.0
HD: 576 MB