The Skyward Castle tells the tale of young Princess Sophia, who awakens from a sleep of one hundred years, to a magical land threatened by an ancient evil. Facing the dangers of an unknown world, the Princess Sophia has traveled extensively to discover the fate of her kingdom in exile. Possessing no magic in a land made of magic alive, she must overcome many enemies, dangers and obstacles with her intelligence, skill and allies. Princess Sophia can undo the curse that plagues her people? Find out in this epic conclusion!
This is a special Collector's Edition release full of exclusive extras you will not find in the standard version.
The Collector's Edition includes:
- A new adventure to the end of the game;
- An interactive strategy guide;
- Conceptual art of the game;
- Wonderful wallpapers.
Uploader's Comments:
Just uncompress with 7-Zip and play
More Info:
Szie: 497.21MB
Format: .7z
Language: English
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
CPU: 800 MHz
RAM: 512 MB
DirectX: 8.1
HD: 515 MB
The Skyward Castle tells the tale of young Princess Sophia, who awakens from a sleep of one hundred years, to a magical land threatened by an ancient evil. Facing the dangers of an unknown world, the Princess Sophia has traveled extensively to discover the fate of her kingdom in exile. Possessing no magic in a land made of magic alive, she must overcome many enemies, dangers and obstacles with her intelligence, skill and allies. Princess Sophia can undo the curse that plagues her people? Find out in this epic conclusion!
This is a special Collector's Edition release full of exclusive extras you will not find in the standard version.
The Collector's Edition includes:
- A new adventure to the end of the game;
- An interactive strategy guide;
- Conceptual art of the game;
- Wonderful wallpapers.
Uploader's Comments:
Just uncompress with 7-Zip and play
More Info:
Szie: 497.21MB
Format: .7z
Language: English
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
CPU: 800 MHz
RAM: 512 MB
DirectX: 8.1
HD: 515 MB
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